Chandigarh to Kasauli Taxi
Khalsa Taxi Provide Chandigarh to Kasauli Taxi service one way & round trip and Book Chandigarh to Kasauli Taxi at Best prices. When planning a road trip Shimla, book a Taxi with us. However, with so many options available, people often get confused as to which Taxi service should be hired. Khalsa Taxi is one of the first of its kind which as amalgamated comfort in luxuriant settings with reasonable rates. So, book now with taxi services by picking the best package that suits your requirement and gear up for a wonder ride.
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Khalsa Taxi Service Provide Chandigarh to Kasauli Taxi Service at Very reasonable Prices. When you Have traveled one-way from one city to another, and paid both way charges? is India’s Leading One-Way Inter City Cab Service Provider. Now when you travel one-way inter-city, you pay one-way. We are present in 13+ Cities and provide One Way Taxi Service on 24+ Routes. Check all available Routes here .Trusted by 59,000 Customers. Yes we have Facebook , Pintrest , Twitter , Youtube , Google+
About Shimla→
Kasauli is a small hill town in the north Indian state of Himachal Pradesh Near Solan. It’s home to gabled colonial-era houses, orchards and green-roofed Christ Church, dating from the mid-19th century. At the southern edge of town and Monkey Point overlooks forests of horse chestnut and Himalayan oak. Nearby, the Gilbert Nature Trail winds through lush green countryside rich in birdlife. It’s also known for the handicraft shops that line Small The Mall, a pedestrian avenue, as well as market specializing in wooden toys and crafts.
About Chandigarh→
Chandigarh, also known as City Beautiful is a union territory which is one of the best planned cities of India. The city beautiful is a perfect personification of modernization and preservation of nature. Chandigarh has a beautiful Sukhna Lake and exemplary architecture. Its proximity to hill stations further adds on to its beauty.
Chandigarh to Kasauli Taxi Price List +91921616OO3O
Type of Car | Modal | One Way Drop | Passenger Capacity |
AC Economy hatchback | Tata Indica/Maruti RitzTata | 1600/- | 4+1 |
AC Sedan | Maruti Dezire/Toyata EtiosToyata | 1800/- | 4+1 |
AC Standed Sedan | Honda City | 2500/- | 4+1 |
AC Economy Sub | Innova/Mahindra Xylo | 3000/- | 6+1 |
AC Standed Sub | Toyota Crysta | 3500/- | 6+1 |
AC Standed Xub | Toyota Fortuner | 6000/- | 7+1 |
AC Minivan | Tempo Traveller ( 16+1 ) | 7000/- | 16+1 |