Book Chandigarh to Manali Cab and Chandigarh to Manali One Way Cab
Chandigarh to Manali One Way Cab

Why Khalsa Taxi ?
The leading player in online Taxi bookings in North India, Khalsa Taxi offers great offers, some of the lowest Taxi fair, exclusive discounts and a seamless online booking experience. Flight, hotel and holiday bookings through the desktop or mobile site is a delightfully customer friendly experience, and with just a few clicks you can complete your booking. With features like Instant Discounts, Fare Calendar, MyRewards Program, MyWallet and many more, the overall booking experience with Khalsa Taxi constantly adds value to its product and continues to offer the best to its customers
Top Car Routes From Chandigarh
Chandigarh to Delhi Cabs
Starts from Rs 2,400 a day
Chandigarh to Jalandher Cabs
Starts from Rs 3,897 a day
Chandigarh to Kasauli Cabs
Starts from Rs 2,205 a day
Starts from Rs 7500 a day
Starts from Rs 4026 a day
Starts from Rs 3974 a day
Chandigarh to Shimla Cabs
Starts from Rs 2300 a day
Chandigarh to Kullu Cabs
Starts from Rs 5000 a day